Jules' top 3 trees
Jules started with Barcham in 2001, and she has a broad and in-depth knowledge of trees. Jules enjoys working with clients to help them achieve the goals for their projects. Let's see what Jules recommends:

Prunus Cheals Weeping
Look at most trees and you will see they all do pretty much the same thing - they all have similar branch structures either straight up, vertical, rounded, or horizontal. Prunus Cheals Weeping thinks outside of the box, I love that!
Let’s be different and beautifully architectural” it screams out! Steeply weeping branches gracefully drop to the ground. In April they are smothered in double pink flowers creating fountains of ‘candy floss’ like blossom attracting all the pollinators to enjoy a feast.
Such an easy tree to grow, it does well in all planting locations including smaller gardens but requires a bit of room for best effect. It is best planted as an individual with a 360-degree view. It offers a pleasing shape in winter when the bare branches are exposed and the truly dramatic weeping form can be enjoyed. A small tree of only 3-5m, it does best on free draining soils.
Find out more about Cheals Weeping here.

Cornus mas
In my opinion, it’s one of the most underused and overlooked small trees in our stock range. The cheery clusters of bright yellow flowers burst through the gloom of late winter heralding spring is around the corner.
The flowers give way to a mass of bright red cherry like fruits which are edible but probably best left for the birds! Dark green summer leaves characteristically droop beneath the twig when autumn transforms the foliage into an eye-catching deep burgundy. This tremendously versatile little tree can be grown as either a single specimen tree or multi-stem, but for the best effect I think this delightful tree grows happily as a hedge, responding well to pruning. It can be used in smaller gardens or parkland planting. A superb tree for wildlife, especially early emerging bees.
Read more about Cornus mas here.

Laburnum x watereri Vossii
If planted in the correct location and with a little education, Laburnum comes into its own in May when a dazzling display of long golden chains dripping with bright yellow flowers hang gracefully and elegantly all over the tree.
Find out moreLaburnocytisus Adamii
Take a look at the cultivar Laburnocytisus Adamii for a riot of colour when in flower. This unusual display of mauve, pink and yellow are deliciously and sweetly combined together on the same tree for a distinct tropical look.
Find out more

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