Clyde's top 3 trees
Clyde has been with the Barcham team since 1998, initially working with stock on the nursery. Clyde has a wealth of tree knowledge and is a regular host for nursery appointments. Check out below Clyde's favourite trees, in his words:

Quercus palustris
This fast growing large Oak tree has magnificent autumn colour. Bright green deeply cut lobed leaves through the season turning pinkish red and bronze often staying on the tree into winter time.
Find out moreGleditsia triacanthos Sunburst
I like this tree because the foliage starts as a bright yellow, slowly turning greener over the summer then fading back to a golden yellow, before the large fern like leaves gradually fade and fall off in the autumn.

It is a medium to large sized tree with an open spreading canopy. This tree does not like wet conditions needing a well drained soil. One disadvantage is it is late to come out but is thornless, unlike it’s parent tree which is native to North America. It is also more reliable than the Golden False Acacia – Robinia pseudoacacia Frisia.
Suitable for larger gardens.
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Sorbus aucuparia
One of our more attractive native trees. Small to medium sized, although the canopy can get quite wide and rounded. Fern like leaves are green during the season with clusters of creamy-white flowers in late spring.
Small green berries ripen to orange/red in big clusters which are very popular with the birds. The autumn also provides a great show of colour with all different shades of orange to red. Barcham often grow it in a multi-stem form.
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