Can Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer be considered as a large evergreen tree?
Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer is one of the most popular deciduous trees that we sell here at Barcham, and for good reason! If you want a tree that ticks all the boxes, i.e. shape, blossom and autumn colour…

Traditionally a tree that is selected for avenue planting, with its tall slender compact crown and with its strong formative growing habit, this tree could be the show stopper in your garden!
This North American favourite proves to be very popular when used as a stand-alone feature tree or used for screening purposes. The reason for the screening interest is that it boasts a very generous foliage lifespan; in fact, Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer buds and flowers much earlier than any other large deciduous tree and holds on to its lovely rich dark ovate green leaves throughout the year until the latter part of November. This Pyrus has even been known in mild winters to hold on to its cover even in December which can trick people into thinking it’s a large mature evergreen tree. Once this ornamental tree reaches the darker months, then this tree has the potential to seriously light up the nursery with its rusty red, orange and yellow leaves. A minus cold snap can really enhance and bring the colours on.
A mature Pyrus also proves to be great value for money too. If you have a screening project in mind and you want to use some mature evergreens but your wallet just can’t quite stretch that far, then Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer should be a serious contender when considering an alternative at less than half the price of a traditional evergreen specimen at the same size.
So overall, if you are looking for a tree that has great shape, coupled with all year round interest and a practical quality, then you really don’t have to look any further than the Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer!
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